Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Chapter 51: The Best Text Ever

Dear family and friends and everyone,

Hiya! This week has been pretty fantastic, we had lots of exciting things happen. Continuing of from the miracle of last week, we had a lesson with those two girls, Sherry and Fiona, who are now our new investigators! It was a great lesson, and we think they have lots of potential. Also, we had a miracle last p-day, right after we e-mailed and grocery shopped. 

Begin miracle

Once upon a time, my companion and I were street contacting a few weeks ago. We stopped this one guy who looked Asian. We're like chatting for a bit and finally we ask, "So how long have you lived in England?" And he's like, "Uh, since I was one?" And we said "... Yeah, that makes sense. So you're a BBC, cool!" It was awkward because I thought he was Chinese. That happens a lot actually, it's part of the daily awkwardness of my life. But anyway, we kept talking to him, he didn't seem super interested, but we gave him a mormon.org card with our number. Fast forward to last p-day. He sends us a text saying that he'd like to meet with us sometime and/or go to activities!! So we had a lesson with him last Monday, he went to the FHE for the Chinese students and loved it, and we're seeing him again today. SO AWESOME. BECAUSE HE TEXTED US! That never happens. Miracle!

End miracle

This week we also went to a few parties. One was for Rachel, one of the members here. She just turned 19 - so young. Haha. It was a surprise party and a few of our investigators went, so it was really fun. It's pretty awesome how all of the members and investigators here are good friends and hang out with each other all the time. 

The other party we went to was at an elderly member's house. She lives in like an assisted living centre thing and we go over there all the time, because she's so nice to us and we love her. So we were there for tea this past Saturday and while we were chatting, like four old ladies came in and out to chat with us too. It was funny because at one point, they were all moaning and lamenting about their many medical problems (I'm not being sterotypical, but the older generation tend to do this) when one lady talked about her thyroid problems. And my companion, Sister Chee, just joins in and says (in effect) "Tell me about it! My hyperthyroidism has caused me so many problems!" And she thus joined in on the medical conversation with all these old ladies, talking about medications and surgeries and the like. It was pretty funny. 

So this week has been great with the missionary work and with everything else, really. I find that when I have a positive attitude about things, like missing our Metro and therefore having to walk all the way to the chapel on a windy Sunday morning, life is happier and more fun. Missionary work is FUN! It's hard work, but the most rewarding work I've ever done in my life. Love you all, have a fantastic week! 

Sister Larson

Me and Rachel

All of the girls at Rachel's surprise birthday party!

This is my zone. Girls don't know how to make funny faces. But I do.
This is my more normal zone.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Chapter 50: Fabulous Finding and Escalator Excitement

Note:  Meagan's weekly emails subject line always look like this "Week XX-- Subject Here."  The number "XX" has been off by 2 weeks for a very long time, but I have fixed it for the blog Chapter numbers.  I tried to tell her once but she didn't believe me.  Now as she approaches her year mark, it looks like she may have finally figured it out...

Hello everyone!

It says week 52, but I don't think I've been out for quite a year yet... Yet. That happens in like two weeks and it's kind of weird actually. 

Well weirdness aside, this week has been pretty good! We had a new policy this week throughout the mission of trying to do 15 hours of finding every week. At first I was like "Meh I don't like finding bleh" but then my companion and I decided to try our best to have a good attitude about it. So we did and as it turned out our finding has been AWESOME this week. We also had a wonderful miracle, which I will now proceed to relate:

*Begin miracle*

Once upon a time, my companion and I went to teach our investigator, Crystal. She's awesome. So we went to her flat and we were just chatting when suddenly there comes a knock on the door. She says, "Oh! I forgot that some people are coming to look at my flat! I'll only be a few minutes!" And we said "Yeah okay no problem." So a second later three girls walk into the room, one of whom is a member in our Chinese group! And so we're like "Wow Cathy, fancy seeing you here, what's up?" And so then we talk with her and her two friends and long story short at the end of their visit, the two non-member girls are like, "Hey so do you think that we can give you our number and you can teach us sometime?" And my companion and I, after a moment of silent celebration inside our heads, said very coolly, "Yeah, you know, that would be cool." So now we have an appointment with them this week!! And one of them came to church yesterday! Miracles happen.

*End miracle*
Me and Crystal and Sister Chee after a delicious Chinese meal Crystal made for us!!

So yeah, this week rocked. There were other little miracles too, but that one was my favourite. There was also a funny story of the week. I have permission from my companion to publish it in this weekly e-mail. So one day we were riding up the escalator in the Metro station when this tall, British African guy comes walking up on my left side and stands right next to my companion. Like, on the same step. And he smiles and is like, "Heyyy, how you doin'?" And she's like "Uhhhhh...." And so they talk awkwardly for a bit about how we are missionaries and stuff and then as we get to the top, he confesses, "Well, I only wanted to talk to you, because I like you." And we were like *awkward smiles* and thinking What do we do in this situation? And he said, "But I guess I'm not allowed to like you, huh?" And we said, "Nope but here's a mormon.org card bye!" And that was the end of that story.

So this week was the best. I hope you all had nice weeks as well and that you have an even awesomer week this week! I hope you all get snow like we did here! (It was a baby amount of snow, but it was more than we've had before, so everyone was much excited.) Love you all!

Sister Larson

The sun!!! A rare sight in England.

Selfie of my and my comp, happy because of the sun. 
Especially here because she's a California gurl.

Beautiful sunset and view from Angela's flat of the city of Newcastle.

SNOWWWW!  It was a baby snow, and our investigator called
and was like "I don't know if I can go to church, because it snowed."
And I said, "Uh dude, it's like a baby amount and it will be gone in an hour.
Come to church." So she did. :)

My baby snowman that I made waiting for the bus to church.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Chapter 49: Miracles are Mandytory

Hi everyone! 

That's right, this week had such a huge miracle that it is the subject of this whole letter. It was so amazing and really helped give us a boost in an otherwise boring, non-eventful week.

So this week we met with our investigator, Mandy, for the first time since 13 Dec ish when she left for China. It was great to catch up with her and hear her stories from being with family and whatnot. What was even better is when we asked her about what her family said about baptism. This miracle is so big it needs to be divided into separate parts to be properly analysed and appreciated. 

1. She finished 1 Nephi over the break and started into 2 Nephi. How diligent is that?? (For a Chinese student on holiday, super diligent, in case you were unaware.)
2. When we asked what her family said about baptism, she said it was okay. Her mom wasn't super opposed or super enthralled, but gave her permission. This is a huge hurdle we have to jump with all of our Chinese investigators, so that is just awesome.
3. She told us that she prayed over the vacation and that on the aeroplane ride back, she received an answer that she needs to get baptised. OH MY WORD THAT IS JUST TOO AWESOME! :)
4. She said she'd like to get baptised this summer. We said, yeah okay. Or you could get baptised at the beginning of February. And she was like .... Mmm, yeah, okay. So, if all goes well, she'll be baptised on the 7th of February!

We are just so excited. It was amazing to see how the Spirit can work in people when they pray and read the Book of Mormon. I've said it once and I'll say it 1000 more times: When people pray and read the Book of Mormon, they get closer to God and get answers to their questions. I know it's true. I've seen the evidence time and time again here in England.

Well I hope you all had a great week! Keep looking for little miracles and tender mercies in your life, because they are definitely there. Love you all!
Sister Larson

World War 1 relics from the discovery museum! 

Last district photo before Sister Lu and Elder Adams transferred!! I think one of them's blurry, sorry, but I look better in the blurry one than i do in the other one. we were like, sisters sit down and elders stand behind! But then I was like no I look fat when I sit down. elders can sit down this time! So we broke tradition and did this instead haha. It looks a bit weird but i like it. :)

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Chapter 48: 新年快樂!Happy New Year!

Hiya everyone!

This week was pretty fantastic. We got another little break for New Year's Eve and New Year's Day, so that was pretty great. All the public transport halted on 1 Jan, though, so we had a quiet day stuck in our flat. It was still nice and relaxing.

And then we got back to work! The week has been filled with miracles. Just yesterday, on Fast Sunday, Paul, our investigator, promised he would come to church and then fast with us for him to have a desire to quit smoking. We were just about to leave and take the Metro to church and he still wasn't at the station, but at the last minute he showed up! It was great and he really enjoyed church, so that was a miracle for sure.

During another appointment teaching Paul, we asked him if he had ever prayed to know if the Book of Mormon was true or not. He said no, looked confused, and said, "But I believe it's true anyways." So we were happy about that and then still challenged him to pray about it for a true confirmation from the Spirit. Paul's awesome.

One other thing we did this week was attend the funeral of our Chinese group leader's mother. This was only the second funeral I'd ever been to, and I'd never been to a Chinese one before, but it was a Christian service. It was really sad, especially when the husband of the woman who died bowed to her casket and then sank to the floor, crying because he missed her so much. I felt sad, too, but I also knew that no one needed to be inconsolable. Because Christ rose from the dead, we all will too, and death has no sting. So I was very grateful for the knowledge I have of the wonderful Plan of Salvation. 

I hope you all had fun celebrating the New Year! My flatmates and I did... We stayed up until 11, drank some sparkling punch, and then went to bed. Midnight is too late! I hope that this year brings many good opportunities and that you all have good goals to work on! Love you all!

Sister Larson

the beautiful English sky, with an "x" in it.
(I don't really know why, but it looked cool.)
And the sun, which is quite a rare sight. 

The sisters of Newcastle! Sister Wu, Sister Lu, Sister Chee, and me! 

This is our district! Back: Elder Sorenson, Adams, Marsh, Wheelhouse, Westergard.
Front: Ssister Wu, Chee, Marsh, Lu, me. I think my eyes are closed.
I didn't have any good ones on my camera. Oh well. 

Friday, January 2, 2015

Chapter 47: A very merry Christmas and a very happy birthday

Hi everyone!

This week was pretty awesome, to say it in a nutshell. We got a few days off, which was really nice and relaxing, and we spent most of our time with recent converts and investigators, which really helped strengthen the bond between us! It was so fun. We spent Christmas Eve with Izzie and her friend, eating lots of food and watching a movie. On Christmas we got to sleep in (one of the best presents I got, haha) and then went to the chapel where a lovely couple in our ward made us and the Chinese group a spectacular Christmas dinner! It was delicious. We then got to Skype with our families, which was probably the highlight of my day. I love my family so much! They're so cute! It was so fun! And then we spent the rest of the evening with the senior couple in our area, which was fantastic. 

Skyping with the cutest family in the world!!!!! Love you guys.

Christmas dinner at the chapel with me and my companion, Sister Chee,
and the other two sisters who live with us, Sister Lu and Sister Wu!

We also got Boxing Day off, the 26th, because that's actually like a legit holiday here in Britain. So we went and hung out with our investigator, Crystal, who made us Chinese food. We also played an endless game of Monopoly and went shopping. Boxing Day basically equals Black Friday, where there's huge sales and the shops open early and everything is relatively cheap for England. It's like normal price in America, but still! It was great. I think the best part of Christmas, for me, was the focus we had as missionaries on thinking of the Saviour and others before ourselves. It was fun to get gifts from my family and the members here, but it was even more fun having to make things in secret for my companion and my flatmates, or get little gifts for the members here. As a missionary, I don't have much time or plenty of money. But I try to give what I can and then go a bit farther, as that is what Jesus Christ always did.

Our Christmas eve feast at Izzie's!
Then of course, yesterday something really strange happened. I turned 20. I'm not a teenager anymore!!!! It was pretty weird to think about, but I still had a pretty good birthday. My wonderful companion made me pancakes that had "20" on them and even let me use some of her rare maple syrup. :) And we ate yummy Mexican food for lunch. Oh, and we also got to go to church, which was definitely the highlight of the day. Sunday birthdays are the best! 

Well this holiday season has definitely been memorable for many reasons. It was my only mission Christmas and birthday, but it was a great one. I hope you all had a wonderful holiday week and that this week you also have great fun with New Year's. The new year is a great time to re-evaluate and think of things we can do to stand a little taller, so start thinking of some great goals for 2015! I love you all! I'll e-mail everyone next year!! ;) 

Sister Larson