Monday, June 23, 2014

Chapter 19: She's a Big Girl Now!

Hiya mates!

So you might be a bit confused about the subject line. Well, it is because I am no longer a baby, I'm a big girl! I'm not being trained anymore! YAAAAY! But, I get to be companions with Sister Huang for another transfer, which is super awesome. So yes, transfer calls were this week, nothing major happened, I still live with all the same people... moving on.

Updates with Ting Ting: She is now tentatively scheduled for the 27th of June! She seriously is doing so great, she shares experiences with us all the time about how she has felt the Spirit. She also is very serious about her dedication to things. She has told us that she doesn't get why she can't drink alcohol or why she has to obey the Word of Wisdom, but that she knows it will bless her life. Wow, she is so awesome!

Other than that, last week my flatmates and me and my companion went to the Deep, this supposedly awesome aquarium... it was £11.50 and I would have paid maybe 4. Haha but we had lots of fun together and we had very much fun being lost in the rain trying to find the flipping place. I took lots of pictures as well, so I'd say it was a success.

Us in the dismal England weather, me and my companion, she is so weird :)

Don't we look so healthy and normal skinned?
This was us in the underwater tunnel that was literally like a metre long or something.

Dcuks are really cute. All of the ducks said dcuk. i thought it was funny. This isn't even China or anything.

I found Nemo, did you?

GeneralPpenguin standing erect and proud of his country,
 with his second in command and the lazy guy who
does nothing but lay down and order people around.

I have eaten two things I could not identify on sight this week: one was cow stomach (which wasn't too bad actually, but I wouldn't eat the intestines) and the other was chili. Or chilli, if you want to say it like a Brit. Yeah I was at a dinner with all the missionaries in the ward and the bishop and his wife, and there was an awkward silence and I wanted to say something, so I asked "Wow, this is good, what is it?" and Sister Sanderson was like, "It's chili." And I said "oh" and everyone laughed but hey, it tasted good so no harm done.

Ew intestine.
For some Rather English Things:

Crumpets are real. That's not a stereotype. They're pretty good. They're like thick pancake things but they taste like a crepe.

The English umbrella manufacturers have got it figured out. The umbrellas here stink but it rains all the time, so you always have to buy a new one. I'm on my third.

Well that's about it for this week. Remember that only he who hath clean hands and a pure heart shall be able to live with the Lord again. We have to do good things, AND we have to think good things as well. You're all so great! Have an awesome week! Love you!

Sister Larson

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