Well this week we have been picking up our work a little bit more. Yay! We've gone out every day and been out almost the whole day, just like normal missionaries. It's been great. My foot is getting better and I can walk on it a lot more now, which is just fantastic.
So this week we have focused a lot on working with our less actives and recent converts, since we still are searching for investigators. One of them that we went and visited was a Chinese family. The dad works at a Chinese restaurant and so he makes really good food. When we went and visited him, he made us baozi, which are basically bun things with stuff inside. My favourite one he made had butter and coconut in it, or so he said. It tasted like tropical heaven and I wish I could eat it all the time.
We also went and visited lots of members. One of them that we visit quite regularly is a Lithuanian woman. She has two little kids who just are starting school and they are quite the picky eaters, so whenever we go over there she loves to make us food. This week's dish was cold cucumber, beetroot, boiled egg soup. It was quite interesting. Not bad, but a little bit weird.
Aside from the interesting international food I've eaten, I have also had the time to think on trials. Especially since being on a mission I've seen the harsh trials people are put through and sometimes it makes me wonder why such things happen to good people. Then this morning I was flipping through the hymn book and found the fifth verse of Hymn No. 85, "How Firm a Foundation." It goes:
"When through fiery trials thy pathway shall lie
My grace, all sufficient, shall be thy supply.
The flame shall not hurt thee, I only design
Thy dross to consume ... and thy gold to refine."
So basically, trials aren't given to us to hurt us - they're there to help our strengths get even better and our weaknesses to either become strengths or go away. I know that it is through the grace of Jesus Christ that this can happen. I've seen it in my life and in the lives of others. So if your pathway is going through some fiery trials right now, know that when you rely on Jesus Christ, His grace is always in supply for you!
I hope you have all had a great week! Lots of love from 'Ull*!
Sister Larson
*Here in Yorkshire, the accent is to drop all "h" sounds at the beginning of a word. So Hull is pronounced 'Ull. If it's hard to imagine, just picture Hagrid saying it. I'm pretty sure he's originally from Yorkshire.
I love the lessons she teaches in each of her emails!