This week was super awesome. First off, our Chinese members, and some of the investigators, go to go to the temple!! Yay! All of the members did baptisms for the dead and the investigators got to walk around and enjoy the Spirit on the temple grounds. It made me a bit jealous, I wanted to go so bad, but I'm glad they had that opportunity. It made me realise how much we need to go the temple when we can. It's an act of service, but it's also necessary for our own spiritual growth. So, go to the temple when you have the chance!!
I had a great learning experience this week. We were teaching Zhang Yi, our investigator, about the gospel of Jesus Christ and explaining the five steps back to Heavenly Father: faith, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end. He didn't really get it, so in a moment of inspiration, I realised that I needed to liken this doctrine to him. I knew he watched Avatar: The Last Airbender, and of course, I watched that too, so I did a bit of an analogy. Just like Aang needed to master four elements to fulfil his purpose, we need to take these five steps to fulfil our mortal purpose. But he doesn't master any of those elements in a day. It takes weeks of learning and daily practise to get there. Same with the five steps: we don't gain faith overnight. Repentance doesn't happen after one prayer. And endure to the end? That takes a lifetime! It is through the small daily decisions and actions that we begin to climb those steps back to Heavenly Father. And just as Aang mastered the elements and became the Avatar, so can we fully envelop the gospel of Jesus Christ into our very beings and return to our Father in Heaven to an eternity of happiness, peace, and continuing creation.
So yeah, I was rather pleased that I could help him understand that doctrine a bit better, (he loved the analogy) and I was so grateful that I could receive divine help when I needed it most. Remember that if you don't understand something about the gospel or think it doesn't apply to you - it does. Just try and you'll find the inspiration you need to make it make sense to you personally.
I love you all and hope you have a great week! Keep on keepin' on! :)
Sister Larson
P.S. The pic is of my district! Elder Thompson, Elder Adams, Sister Monroy, Sister Lu, me and Sister Rossi are probably the most awesome district ever, full stop. :)
My box that holds my cool Chinese/pinyin/English Book of Mormon. I'm so proud of it. It looks so awesome. I'm awesome. |
Pretty fall leaves! By a cool old church that I forgot to take a picture of. (oops)
Good thing there are five thousand cool old churches in Newcastle.
Me and my companion! Early to a tea appointment, so we had time for a few selfies. |
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