Hello everyone!
So as you can see from the subject line, the biggest change we had this week was that our iPads finally came to us! We can't do a whole lot on them yet except look at cool stuff on Gospel Library and use these super cool interactive pamphlets, but I'm sure we'll use them more and more as we learn more about them. So of course I have included a portrait of me with Harriet, my new iPad. :)
Sister Larson and Harriet |
Other than that, this week was one of those harder weeks where it seemed like not much was getting done. However, we did get to meet with Paul a lot this week, and he is still doing fantastic. He is so great and I still just smile every time I think about how far he has progressed from the first time I met him all the way back in September. The gospel really can change people and make them better than anything they or I could have imagined. I love being a missionary, it's just so cool!
Another thing I learned this week was the lesson I've had to learn time and time again: that things sometimes don't work out the way you planned them to. I'm sure you've all had days similar to this one: You wake up excited for the day, with lots of plans to get things done and also have fun. Then one by one, new things come up that you have to do and your other plans fall through and you come home feeling exhausted and cheated at the end of a long day. I've had several of these on my mission, and it is at this time that I am tempted to ask, "But why? Why couldn't I have had it my way this once? What are you trying to do to me?" And it is then that I am faced with a choice: continue to complain about the situation, or take it in stride and learn something from it. There is always something to learn. But even better, there is always someone who is there to comfort us and say, "I know how you feel. I know it's hard. Thank you for doing your best. I know you are trying." Jesus Christ truly understands our frustration, and He can help us be healed, no matter what our pain or discomfort. I know this to be true.
Well everyone, I hope you all enjoy the last week of school before summer starts! Remember to smile and be happy! I'm so grateful for all of you!
Sister Larson