Dear everyone,
This week has been good! Last Wednesday, I got to my new area of Leeds 1! It has been great so far and we have been working like mad trying to find people and teach people. Our most promising investigator right now is named Emmanuel, who is from the Caribbean. He's way cool. He loves Christ and has made so many changes in his life already to follow Him. He's still struggling with some things but overall he is progressing. He's such a great guy and he is so humble and sweet. I love working with him!
Sister Ribera, my new French companion, and I have had some interesting experiences the past week while contacting... basically, it's always an adventure to be a sister missionary. People like to hit on you. Crazy people. All the time. But I guess that's the price for being nice and smiling at people. We've also met some way cool people! We got the number of a pizza delivery guy the other day while knocking. I wish we could have had the pizza too, but not so.
Anyway, Leeds is huge and it's been experiencing a heat wave recently. It's been so hot and muggy lately. Probably not as hot as the dry deserts of the States, but hotter than usual for England. So hopefully I won't melt today.
Well i hope you all have a good week! Enjoy the fireworks and freedom! I'm so proud of my country but I love living in this one too and coming to love a different culture and way of life. Love you all!
Sister Larson
me and Sister Ribera!! |
here's me with sister chee and elder wheelhouse, from our old newcastle district. |
here's me with the senior couple from newcastle, elder and sister marsh!!! they're super cool. |
me with my old pengyou, elder chan! crazy asian. haha. |
the view from my new flat (a step up from my old one) |
this is a gorgeous rose by my flat (i smell it every morning) |
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