Well first off, don't be confused by the subject line: the wind has definitely not stopped blowing here. (See attached picture of us at the North Sea last week). It blows all day every day. The wind, that is. Missionary work is still cool. Anyway.
This week was a week of some small miracles that would have gone unnoticed if I hadn't been looking for them. Miracle #1: Paul passed his interview WOOHOO!! His baptism is on Saturday and I am just so excited for him. Seriously, he is one of the greatest miracles that has ever happened to any missionary ever. He's the best. He's also become our good friend, so that is just a bonus. Miracle #2: We managed to get in contact with our investigator who hasn't been picking up the phone because he's been so busy. And we taught him about the Plan of Salvation yesterday. And it was just a good lesson. Unfortunately, he'll be travelling a lot this summer, but we'll see him when we can and we'll take what we can get. So those seem like small things but were the sprinkles on the cupcake of our week. :)
... Yeah, that analogy was pretty weird. Well I'll move on to how I grew spiritually this week. So over the week, we did have many discouraging moments. By the time Sunday rolled around, I thought that I had hit my limit. I had had enough. Nothing was going anywhere I thought and nobody wanted to listen to us. I started feeling empty inside. That's when I realised something was probably wrong. I don't know many things, but I know that missionaries probably should not feel empty. So I evaluated what had gone wrong. I realised I hadn't been putting my heart into the work. I'd gone through the motions but the love behind it all was missing. So I read my scriptures and prayed until that empty feeling started to go away as it was replaced my a feeling of love and peace. And that is when I decided I never wanted that feeling of emptiness again.
So this week, if you feel something is missing from you life, ask yourself honestly what you might need to do differently to fill up the emptiness. And then do it. It will be so worth it, I promise. Thank you all for the encouragement and prayers! You are all amazing! Love you!
Sister Larson
these are my footprints and my name. it's cute. and i didn't even need pinterest to help me come up with the idea! haha. |
me and sister hurst by the water!! we're both too cute. :) |
england has pretty beaches and pretty flowers. and really good chocolate. now if only they could work on perfecting the mexican food here... |
my companion made me really yummy noodles that were both tasty and nice looking. she's talented. |
i can never resist getting pictures of the gorgeous english sky. taken from angela's flat, so i get a nice view of the city too. |
sister xie cooked dinner one night for me, angela, and rachel. it was super delicious. also we put the cabbage in the shape of a heart. angela and rachel were very proud of that, you should know. |
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